Have you ever just stopped to wonder?  Wondered, what is happening around you? I mean truly, stopped, observed and wondered? How do you impact those around you, or them you? What is happening in your world?

“An amazing thing happens when you get honest with yourself and start doing what you love, what makes you happy.  Your life literally slows down.  You stop wishing for the weekend.  You stop merely looking forward to special events.  You begin to live in each moment and you start feeling like a human being.  You just ride the wave that is life, with this feeling of contentment and joy.  You move fluidly, steadily, calm and grateful.  A veil is lifted, and a whole new perspective is born.”

I experienced this once a few years ago; life slowing down and having the veil lifted.  For me, this occurred when I started down the path of earning a Master’s degree.  As I was working through the course work, working full time, and running a household, I realized I was ready for something more.  And I began to wonder.

I wondered about many things.  People, material things, the world, spirituality and ultimately I asked myself the question “have you ever?”  Have I ever been truly honest with myself?  Have I ever done what needed to be done to make myself happy?  Have I ever let those around me do what they needed to do, to make them happy?  I didn’t know.  I still don’t know in all cases.  I am in fact still wondering.

As I said, I experienced the veil lifted those many years ago and I did gain a new perspective.  I realized that we make time for what we are passionate about.  What we believe in, what makes us happy.  Making decisions becomes easier.  This has always stayed with me.  Knowing what to engage in and not became easier, during this time.  Holding onto this experience, however, did not.  I once again was caught up by the commotion around me and lost the opportunity to be honest with myself.  To answer the question, have you ever.

So, I continue down my path.  Trying along the way to stop and wonder.  Always trying to ask, am I being honest with myself?  And perhaps most importantly, trying to stop and listen to the answer.

Pink is a powerful singer with lyrics in her songs that are very thought provoking.  At least, I think so and have experienced many hours sitting and thinking after hearing one of her songs.  On this note, I leave you with this … one of Pinks song that really should be entitled “Have you ever?”